Welcome to Fair Deal Technology

We are team of talented devolopers, designers websitesp.

Plan. Launch. Grow.

Happy Clients


Years of experience



Fair Deal Company is one of the largest companies working in the fields of information technology in Africa and the Arab world, and it also has contributions to the technical development of the health sector in Sudan.

  • Management systems for hospitals, pharmacies and laboratories.
  • Management systems for major companies and international and national organizations.
  • Designing a large number of promotional and commercial websites.
  • Designs for magazines, newspapers, books, professional logos, and documentary video montages.

Fair Deal Technology is pleased to serve you in all technical magazines to develop your business performance and increase production efficiency and profitability.


Let us study your request and initiate some appropriate plans and strategies for implementation.


Let's start implementing and training.


We continue to support until we reach the highest goals and share with you the continued growth of your business.

Fair Deal Technology Co LTD.

We will definitely be your best choice to complete your work in a way that makes you one of our distinguished clients.

  • Dealing with Fair Deal means that you are looking for excellence.
  • Fair Deal team exerts its effort and experience to be the best.
  • Your satisfaction means our satisfaction.

Products & Services:

Computer systems (desktops, workstations, appliances, LAN Stations & Servers with a full set of services concerning investigation, development, installation, maintenance of LAN & WAN) Notebooks and handhelds with a full range of accessories. Printing and multifunction - printers, faxes, copiers, all-in-one/multifunction.


  • Web Applications.
  • Web Design.
  • Graphics Design.
  • WAn, LAN Network design and implmentation.

Objective & Principles:

The main objective of the company is to serve customers both in public and private sector in such areas as production, trade, banks, government institutions and NGOs. The idea of its creators is to offer its customers complete solutions from the study, design, hardware and software supply, tips on what and where to be purchased, service and training.

  • Your satisfaction is our goal.
  • 24/7 Services.
  • Consultants are available to answer your inquiries.

We always strive to develop our team to meet our customers' technical needs.

Company Activities:

Research, design, data analysis and realization of complete information solutions in business administration, economy, education, etc., as well as all subsidiary activities (i.e. data communication, databases, trade with specialized equipment,.

A multidisciplinary team for research and technical studies.


Check our Services

ًWeb Design

Voluptatum deleniti atque corrupti quos dolores et quas molestias excepturi sint occaecati cupiditate non provident

Web Applications

Minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat tarad limino ata

Mobile Applications

Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur

Graphics Design

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum

Video montages

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio dignissimos ducimus qui blanditiis praesentium voluptatum deleniti atque

WAN & LAN implementation

Et harum quidem rerum facilis est et expedita distinctio. Nam libero tempore, cum soluta nobis est eligendi

Dr. Qassim Y.

Chief Executive Officer

International consultant (Quality Assurer) at City & Guilds University of Maryland-West Germany, Ganesish Institute of Technology (Aerodynamics Section A & B) India, Researcher into Hardware & Softwar Technology PGD into Industrial Management, Member of Aeronautical Society of India., joined the Fair Deal team in 2014.

Monty M.


17 years of experience in Web development. He joined the Fair Deal team since 2014.

Omer N.

Ceo & Founder

Software developer and business administration studies, UNDP IT Consultant He joined the Fair Deal team in 2014.

Mohsin M.


University of Khartoum, College of Technical and Development Studies, marketing expert, joined the Fair Deal team in 2015.

Samah N.

Technical Suport

8 years of experience in technical support management. She joined the Fair Deal team in 2014.

Tarig A.


An expert in risk management and operational development, he joined the Fair Deal team in 2021.

Anas Ib.


More than 12 years of experience in website design. He joined the Fair Deal team in 2020.

Osman N.

Product Manager

Sudan University, Faculty of Environment. Experience in product management. Join the Fair Deal team in 2019.


Contact Us

Our Address

Albaladya Street, Khartoum Sudan

Email Us


Call Us

+249 9123 367 13
+249 1230 367 13

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